What is Security Testing in Software Testing?


In the current scenario, when security breaches are on the front, including security in your software program is highly critical. It is only achievable if organizations strive toward a powerful software security testing strategy for their applications and any other digital product that can receive sensitive data from consumers, clients, and partners. Thus, to know more about security testing in software testing, we have compiled a detailed article that will make you aware of its meaning, its types, and the necessary tools you can use as a professional. Alternatively, you can enroll in the Security Testing Course in Delhi, which will make you proficient in the domain and help you to stand out from the crowd.

Security Testing: Meaning

Security testing is a kind of software testing that identifies system vulnerabilities and ensures that the system’s data and resources are secure from potential invaders. It assures that the software system and application are free of hazards or risks that might result in a loss. Moreover, security testing of any system focuses on identifying potential flaws that might result in the loss of information or the organization’s reputation. The main purpose of security testing is to Identify the system’s threats.

  • Assess the system’s possible weaknesses.
  • Detect any potential security issues in the system.
  • Help developers in resolving security issues through code.
  • Types of Security Testing

Security Testing Course

The most frequent software security tests a few years ago may no longer be applicable today. So, let’s look at some of the current security checks.
  • Static Code Analysis
It is the most traditional method and the first kind of security testing that most developers perform. However, you may run this test manually, and developers can go through the code for any security issues.
  • Compliance Testing
It’s essential to meet the client’s specified policies with the help of compliance tests. In these tests, we compare software to its real settings.
  • Penetration Testing
This software testing involves replicating concerns on newly built software to uncover flaws. So, when any flaw in there in the code, a developer repairs it.
  • Load Testing
This test determines how well a piece of software operates under high demand. However, the main purpose of this test is to detect Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, which try to interrupt application availability by flooding the application or its host infrastructure with traffic or other requests.
  • Origin Analysis Testing
Open-source software has gained popularity in recent years. This type of security testing assists developers and security administrators in detecting where a piece of code originated. When some of your source code comes from a third-party project or repository, this testing becomes a necessity.
  • SQL injection testing
SQL Injection tests for apostrophes, brackets, commas, and quote marks are available. These minor mistakes result in spammer assaults. However, SQL injection attacks are dangerous because they allow attackers to enter the server database and obtain sensitive information.

Different Security Testing Tools

Software Security testing is a broad phrase that covers a wide range of operations, including vulnerability scanning and code analysis, penetration testing, and security audits. However, we have compiled a list of security testing tools to help you better understand what tools you can use in security testing.

Moreover, the following are the most often-used security testing tools:
It is a web application vulnerability assessment and management tool. However, application developers and other security teams may use this tool for internal security evaluations.
  • W3AF
It is an acronym for Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. However, this framework is extendable using easy-to-configure and extended modules. Moreover, the framework may be utilized either manually or automatically by utilizing the Python API.
  • SonarQube
It is an open-source platform created by Sonar Source. It helps to do continuous code quality inspections and static code analysis to find bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities in 20+ programming languages.
  • NMAP
It is an open-source network management tool that you may use to monitor network connections. Also, you may use this tool to scan large networks, which helps to audit hosts, services, and intrusion detection.
  • Wireshark
It is a network traffic analyzer and monitoring program that allows you to observe what data is flowing through your system network.


Hopefully, you may find this article informative. We have compiled the meaning, types, and tools of security testing. This overview may help you to make your basics strong. So, if you are eager to have a course in this field, we suggest you enroll in the Security Testing Online Training.

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